Sunday, 26 February 2012

JQuery Autocomplete Using ColdFusion CFCs

I recently had to create a form text field that used jQuery autocomplete on a ColdFusion website and I thought it was pretty cool the way it worked so I thought I would share. Here it is in action...

This form can be broken into 3 fairly simple parts: The basic HTML that displays the form, the CFC that queries the database and the jQuery that ties it all together. Let's start off by looking at the form code...
Nothing to see here really, just an input text field and a submit button that doesn't do anything yet. Next up is the CFC we use to query the database...

The queryNames function is fairly similar to any other function you might write to query a database except it limits the amount of rows returned to 10. If you don't do this your autocomplete list will come out too long and could possibly take a while to load if you have a lot of rows in your table.

And finally we bring the two together with jQuery...

Here we use Ajax to call the queryNames method in our cfc, passing in the current value of the text field, then jQuery uses the response to populate the autocomplete widget. Pretty cool, huh?

Hope this helped!


  1. Thank you this was extremely helpful.

  2. I've had a lot of luck with the jQueryUI autocompete. Generally its been a bit easier than putting it together yourself, plus it makes the styling of the dropdown and input text box easy. Here's the code I'd use using your example:

    $(function() {
    source: "/autocomplete.cfc?method=queryNames&returnformat=json",
    minLength: 3,
    select: function(event, ui) {


    1. Thanks Larry, I'm glad you found this useful.

    2. Larry can you post all of your code?

  3. Can't make it work... could you supply setup script. Don't worry about data.

    wonder if "searchPhrase: query.term" is specific to your table?


    1. what version of Jquery and do you have to have coldfusion ajax enabled

    2. Jon, I use jQuery 1.7.1 and jQuery UI 1.8.16, but it should work the same for later versions too.

      "searchPhrase" is the argument that my ajax function accepts and "query" is something that jQuery autocomplete passes to the response function, response.term contains what is currently in the text box.

      Here I have manually created a query object so I don't need a database for this small example. I then do a Query of Queries on that object to make it look like a database call. Here is the code that I use to create the "names_table" query...

      <!--- Each item in this list will be a row in the query --->
      <cfset tempStr = "Rexx,Forth,OCaml,Smalltalk,Scala,D,Erlang,Cobol,ColdFusion,Lua,Ada,Fortran,Tcl,Haskell,Scheme,Pascal,Delphi,Lisp,Objective C,Actionscript,Assembly,Visual Basic,Shell,Ruby,SQL,Perl,C##,Python,JavaScript,PHP,C++,Java" />
      <!--- Initializes the new Query --->
      <cfset names_table = QueryNew( "" ) />
      <!--- Converts the list to an array so it can be passed to the QeuryAddColumn function --->
      <cfset tempStr = ListToArray(tempStr, ",") />
      <!--- Inserts each item in the list into the Name column of the query object --->
      <cfset QueryAddColumn(names_table, "Name", "VarChar", tempStr) />

      <cfdump var="#q#" />

      If you put the above code into the queryNames function, above the query_names query, the data side of this example should work.

      I hope this helps you get it working, good luck!

  4. Thank you very much...

    Cool stuff

    1. It would not work with jquery "1.10.2/jquery.min.js"

      It needed both of these
      to work properly

      Don't get it but....

  5. For some reason, when I attempt this, my response is returning ahead of the JSON results. Any idea why this could be?

    1. This filtered out the tag in my post - it should say "returning DOCTYPE html ahead of the JSON"

    2. That's strange, does the url option in your ajax call have "&returnformat=json" in it? Having that option on the url should convert whatever your function returns into JSON.

      If that isn't it I will need some more information to help out, are you using CF? Can I see the function you're calling by ajax?

  6. Would it be possible to adapt this to work on MX6 or MX7?

    If so, would you be kind enough to explain how?


    1. Most of the work here is done in the JavaScript so the ColdFusion side is fairly basic and should work in CF7 as far as I can tell. Have you tried it? What functions aren't working?

      CF6 I'm not too sure. Does CF6 support CFCs? If not you might have to write a .cfm file that queries the database, formats the result as JSON and prints it to the screen, then point the AJAX url to that page. Hard work.

      Hope that makes sense.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thanks for your prompt response Jack. Unfortunately, I do not have the luxury of using JSON in MX6.1. So, I've ended up using a very crude hack as per below.

    Retrieve list of names from database
    cfquery name="Staff" datasource="Intranet">
    select Name
    from StaffList
    order by Name

    Convert single quotes to double quotes. Two step approach to avoid incorrectly replacing valid apostrophes in certain surnames.
    cfset NameList = ReReplace(QuotedValueList(Staff.Name),"','",'","','All')>
    cfset NameList = '"' & Mid(AdvList,2,Len(NameList)-2) & '"'>

    Output our converted string to the script
    $(function() {
    var validNames = [#NameList#];
    $( "##input" ).autocomplete({
    source: validNames

    1. I had to remove the < brackets above as the code was not displaying properly.

  8. take a look at this autocomplete, it's awesome,
